The swimming pool installation process doesn't need to be overwhelming. Our process is tailored to fit the needs of our clients' busy lives.
Pool Installation Planning Phase
The first step is to contact us to set up an appointment, to learn more about our pool installation process.
One of our professional designers will come out to meet with you and go over plans for you new pool. They will then create a custom drawing to fit your needs and wishes. Once reviewed, changes can be made to the plan as needed.
We will then set up a meeting at our office to go over details to your specific pool, contract and pricing. At that visit we can also look at tile and plaster color options.
Permit Phase
If you live within city limits, a permit is required. (If you live outside of the city limits, it is your responsibility to determine if a permit is required.) Once we have a signed contract, we will ask for a dig test. This means someone will come to your home and mark underground lines for us with paint and/or flags. We will then submit construction drawings to the local utility company using this information. This takes 1-2 weeks to get back by mail. Once we receive the stamped construction drawings back, we send our courier to the city to submit for permits. Depending on the city, it can take anywhere from one week to up to four weeks to have the plans returned with permission to begin the project.
Pool Installation Dig Phase
Once the contract is signed, we begin working immediately to get dig planning started and permits as needed for your new pool installation. Financing options are available on our website. We have formed close relationships with banks that we know have served our customers well.
We call for a dig test to identify where telephone and electrical lines lie underground. We then proceed with dig either a large track hoe or bobcat for smaller yard access.
Plumbing & Steel
Following the dig phase, we proceed on to plumbing, steel, electrical for your new pool. Once this is complete, we start laying the base for your deck to be completed. After deck the final step is plaster of your choosing.
Before your pool is considered complete we will come and grade around the pool area to make it nice and neat once again. Also add landscaping per contract.
Electric/Gas and Gunite Phase
Once the electric and gas lines are run (as required), we will complete gunite. This is the inner shell of your new pool. It is messy and our guys do everything in their power to minimize this mess by covering surrounding areas. The customer is required to water the gunite for the first 7 days until it cures properly. Our gunite is guaranteed under a LIFETIME warranty!
Tile and Coping
This can sometimes be the longest pool installation process. This is an art and therefore takes time and precision. We remind our customers this is always work by hand and therefore will have occasional small imperfections as with any work of art. The tile color is chosen by the customer and we have links on the website to look through color options. As with any options there are standard options which are included and then there are upgrade options. Pools will typically have 6” tile around the water line and spas will have 1” tile around the water line. There are also options on coping choice. We have white precast, Oklahoma flagstone as standard options. There are also upgrades of travertine or various choices.
Deck Phase
Often times we like for customers to be present at this point. Decking is an estimate at time of contract that we use as a guide. There are many options for decking color or type. With a standard pool we offer washed aggregate, broom finish or skin with no color.
Grade and Clean Up
Our team will come out and clean up debris around your pool. We will maneuver dirt around the pool to leave with a nice clean an even appearance. Sod is available upon request and would be added at this time if chosen.
Plaster Phase of Pool Installation
At this point you are almost done. We ask that the customer fill the pool promptly after plaster is complete. We teach the customer to keep water at an appropriate level at all times. Any exposure to sun outside of water will cause discoloration that cannot be fixed. Plaster color is another option of the customer. There are standard colors and there are upgrades available. You can choose from pebble tec, pebble sheen, pebble fina or pebble brilliance. The links to look through options are on our website.
Landscape Packages
If a landscape package is purchased this is the time where we come in a get to work completing your backyard transformation.
Pool School
Pool school will complete your build. Our professional staff will come and work with you one-on-one to show you how to take care of your new pool. We see this as an investment for you and your family and want you to have all the necessary tools to take care of it lifelong.
Ready to get started?
Get in touch to find out more about how we can help you have the backyard of your dreams!