When is the best time to contact my project manager?
This is a great question! Our project manager’s days can start at a variety of times, but typically no later than 8am. From 8am until 2pm, our project managers are on job sites, meeting with those customers, getting crews organized, and doing all the logistical things that they are required to make sure work is being done and properly. During this time frame, you may not get an answer or response from your project manager. At 2pm, our project managers are returning phone calls, texts, emails, scheduling, making phone calls, etc… If you do call your PM and they do not respond, please feel free to leave them a message in some way and we assure you they will return your calls when they’re available to do so. It is acceptable for a PM to return your call or message no later than 1-2 business days after you reach out to them. Our PM’s also have families just like you, so please respect their time on the weekends and evenings as well. If it is necessary to reach out to them during those times for some type of emergency, feel free to call our afterhours line listed on our directory.